Market Research FAQ

What is a focus group?
It is a form of market research in which a group of people are asked to discuss their opinions on a specific subject, such as a product, product packaging, an advertisement or a service.

What is the purpose of a focus group?
Organizations conduct market research studies to learn more about the attitudes and feelings of consumers in order to provide them with the best possible products and/or services.

Who runs the discussion in a focus group?
Trained market research professionals, known as moderators, lead the group discussions. They introduce topics, keep discussion on track, make sure that everyone gets a chance to participate and ultimately, give feedback to the sponsor of the study.

What type of questions will I be asked?
It will depend on the type of study. You may be asked why you purchase a particular product or why you choose one brand over another. Sometimes, you may be shown an advertisement or a new product and then asked to give your honest and immediate reaction to it.

Are my answers confidential?
Any opinion expressed in a focus group is always held strictly confidential, and is for research purposes only. We operate in strict accordance with the research industry code of ethics.

Will I be paid for my participation?
Respondents are always paid for their participation. The amount will depend on the study and will always be disclosed to you up front.

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